Sunday, March 27, 2011

Facial Surgery Thailand: When It Comes To Cosmetic Surgery, Why in Thailand...

Facial Surgery Thailand: When It Comes To Cosmetic Surgery, Why in Thailand...: "Thailand is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world today and foreigners seek cosmetic treatments for the following reas..."

All About Breast Surgery: Breast Capsulectomy

All About Breast Surgery: Breast Capsulectomy: "Breast Capsulectomy is the surgical procedure to remove capsules which have formed around breast implants. These capsules can thicken a..."

Breast Capsulectomy

Breast Capsulectomy is the surgical procedure to remove capsules which have formed around breast implants. These capsules can thicken and so squeeze the implants which will distort the appearance of the breasts. This surgery can be done on one of both breasts and depends on the position of the capsule and the level of irritation caused by its presence.  Your surgeon will open the scar tissue of the capsule which releases the tension, and remove this.  He will then make an incision on either the crease underneath the breast, the armpit or the edge of the areola. This is where the new implant will be inserted. The incisions are then closed with fine stitches which are either dissolvable or non-dissolvable ones. He will place tapes over the stitches for additional support. A light dressing will also be put in place. 

Duration of the operation:
This surgery takes around 1.5 hours to 3 hours to perform

Post operative care:
Vital signs will be checked. Surgical drains may still be in place. Early ambulation is advised to prevent formation of blood clots. Breasts will feel sore and bruised and will disappear gradually. A general anesthetic can make you feel groggy, nauseous and disorientated for up to 48 hours. You will have some pain but this can be controlled with pain medication. You will have to wear a special bra for a couple of weeks. You will also have to keep the dressings in place for that time. Make sure they do not get wet. Avoid any unnecessary bending, stretching or physical activity. You should get plenty of rest although you may be able to do some light activities after a couple of days.

Recovery period:
This will depend on the individual patient however most patients are able to go back to work after a couple of days. Do not undertake any sports or other physical activities for at least 7 to 10 days.The average recovery time is between 1-2 weeks.

Possible risk and complications:
This procedure is safe but complications do happen. The risks include: infection, bleeding, a loss of or reduced nipple sensitivity, ability to breastfeed is lost or affected, capsular contracture could re-occur, blood clots, nerve injury, breast asymmetry, etc.

Anesthesia use:
Usually done under general anesthetic.

Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis

Preparation before Surgery
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Get a baseline mammogram before surgery and another one after surgery to help detect any future changes in your breast tissue.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
For more information about the procedures you may contact: International Marketing Coordinator: or call   mobile phone: +66830868173 line: osias05, whatsapp+viber:+66830868173  or visit our website:

All About Breast Surgery: Mastectomy

All About Breast Surgery: Mastectomy: "Mastectomy is surgery to remove all breast tissue from a breast as a way to treat or prevent breast cancer. An incision is made in..."

Breast Capsulectomy Thailand

Mastectomy is surgery to remove all breast tissue from a breast as a way to treat or prevent breast cancer. An incision is made into the breast. The breast tissue is removed from the overlying skin and the underlying muscle. When an axillary dissection is done, it is typically via the same incision.

Duration of the operation:
1-3 hours duration

Post operative care:
One or two small plastic drains are usually left in place to prevent fluid from collecting in the space where the breast tissue used to be.Your surgeon will decide when these drains are removed, typically when the amount of fluid draining decreases to an acceptable volume. This may take a few days to a week or more.

Recovery period:
The patient is taken to a recovery room to be monitored after the surgery. After the blood pressure, pulse and breathing become stable, the patient is shifted outside the recovery room. Pain medication may be given to reduce severe pain. The patient needs to stay in the hospital for some days depending on the method of mastectomy and reconstruction. The result after the mastectomy is given in about one week.

Possible risk and complications:
Mastectomy is very safe surgery, and most patients recover well with no complications. As with any surgery, however, there are risks. Possible complications are listed here, but keep in mind that unless stated otherwise, they usually do not happen.
The risks of any surgery are bleeding, infection, and injury to nearby tissues. Some post-operative pain and soreness is expected, but can be effectively treated with pain medication. There will also be a scar on the chest wall. Scarring occurs with all surgery, and is unavoidable.

Anesthesia use:
The procedure uses General anesthesia

Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis.
Preparation before Surgery
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +66830868173

All About Breast Surgery: Areolar Reduction

All About Breast Surgery: Areolar Reduction: "Areolar Reduction procedure removes the excess areola tissue and improves the overall cosmetic appearance of your areola. Incision..."

Areola Reduction

Areolar Reduction procedure removes the excess areola tissue and improves the overall cosmetic appearance of your areola. Incisions are made in two concentric circles around the edges of the areola. Next, your surgeon removes a donut of tissue and skin, taking care to leave the area around the nipple intact. (The nipple is still attached to its blood supply and the milk ducts.) The surgeon then closes the incision with sutures around the areola that are pulled in to tighten the skin around the areola. The scar is hidden around the edge of the areola and will likely fade with time.

Duration of the operation:
The length of surgery is about an hour.

Post operative care:
Dressings and a light gauze bandage must be worn for several days. You will be able to shower the following day but as long as the sutures are not yet removed from the surgical site, you should avoid dirty water and sweat to get inside the wound by applying antibacterial ointment before showering.
Extra- sensitivity to pain and touch may be felt and will subside in a couple of weeks.
Recovery time will depend on the patient, but most patients can return to work and resume their normal activities within a day or two.

Recovery period:
A minimal discomfort is expected but can go back to work a day after surgery. Recovery time will depend on the patient, but most patients can return to work and resume their normal activities within a day or two.

Possible risk and complications:
All surgeries have risks, including areola reduction surgery. Risks may include: Anesthesia complications, infection hematoma (a break in a blood vessel, causing localized blood-filled area or blood clot), seroma (collection of fluid under the skin), tissue death, permanent numbness, or loss of sensation, scarring asymmetry or unsatisfactory cosmetic results.
Anesthesia use:
Under local anesthesia

Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis 

Preparation before Surgery
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +66830868173

All About Breast Surgery: Nipple Reduction is a procedure used to reduce nip...

All About Breast Surgery: Nipple Reduction is a procedure used to reduce nip...: "Nipple Reduction is a procedure used to reduce nipple size in a relatively simple procedure.Nipples that droop down or project too far ..."

Nipple Reduction Thailand

Nipple Reduction is a procedure used to reduce nipple size in a relatively simple procedure.Nipples that droop down or project too far out will be shortened. This is done by removing the tip of the nipple and then closing the new tip with stitches. Sometimes the skin around the neck of the nipple is removed and the tip is stitched to the bottom of the nipple. If the nipple is too wide or thick, but not too long, a pie-shaped wedge will be removed from underneath the nipple. This allows the nipple to be “taken in” and the circumference reduced. Dissolving sutures are used.

Duration of the operation:
Often, this can be combined with liposuction, tummy tuck, nipple reduction and other facial surgeries. The surgery takes 2 to 3 hours under general anesthesia with hospital confinement.

Post operative care:
You may need to return in about a week to have the stitches taken out, but usually this is not necessary as dissolvable stitches are often used. You will be able to shower the following day. Most patients can return to work and resume their normal activities within a day.

Recovery period:
Recovery time will depend on the patient, but most patients can resume their normal activity within a day or two. Patients can shower the day after surgery. Dissolving sutures are used.

Possible risk and complications:
Risks are inherent to any surgical procedure. The most common risks are swelling, bruising, bleeding, infection, fluid, numbness, or a change in sensation to the nipple; however they are rare and almost always temporary.
The most common risks particular to this surgery are minimal pain and swelling. Your surgeon will administer painkillers and anti – inflammatory medication so that any soreness and swelling will usually disappear by the second or third day. This treatment does not normally affect the ability to breastfeed.

Anesthesia use:
Nipple reduction technique can be performed under local anesthetic and is normally very effective.

Preparation before Surgery
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +66830868173

All About Breast Surgery: Augmented Mammoplasty (Breast Augmentation)

All About Breast Surgery: Augmented Mammoplasty (Breast Augmentation): "Augmented Mammoplasty (Breast Augmentation) is an operation to increase the size of the breasts using implants. The implants have a s..."

Augmented Mammoplasty (Breast Augmentation)

Augmented Mammoplasty (Breast Augmentation) is an operation to increase the size of the breasts using implants. The implants have a silicone shell that can contain either sterile saline/water or silicone liquid/gel. Incisions are made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. Incision options include: Inframammary incision, Transaxillary incision, Periareolar incision. Incisions vary based on the type of implant, degree of enlargement desired, your particular anatomy, and patient-surgeon preference. After the incision is made, a breast implant is inserted into a pocket either: Under the pectoral muscle (a submuscular placement), or directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle (a submammary placement). The method for inserting and positioning implants depends on the type of implant, degree of enlargement desired, your body type, and your surgeon’s recommendations. Incisions are closed with layered sutures in the breast tissue and with sutures, skin adhesive or surgical tape to close the skin. Over time the incision lines will fade.

Duration of the operation:
The surgery requires 2 hours to complete.

Post operative care:
  • Move slowly and get some rest. Avoid activities that tend to wear you out. Recline your had slightly elevated above lower body.
  • Early ambulation is required to speed up healing process and improve circulation.
  • Eat a light diet at the day of surgery. Begin with liquids and progress to soup initially then advancing your diet to regular foods.
  • You may take shower 24 hours after the surgery. Gently rinse the breast area with water and pat dry. When showering remove the gauze dressing but leave the steri strips in place.
  • Avoid strenuous activities that can cause pain and discomfort.
  • The incision will be covered with steri-strips and a small gauze dressing. It is normal to feel tired and sore for the next 2-3 days. It is normal to feel that the breast implants are not part of your body.  It takes 2-3 weeks for your beast implants to soften and feel more natural.
  • Bra: You do not need to wear a bra or may wear a loose fitting comfortable bra if desired. Do not wear a push up bra for 6weeks.
  • Wound Care: Remove the gauze dressing before showering at least 24 hours after surgery. Steri strips will remain for the next 6 weeks. Avoid direct sunlight to the incision for 1 year. Use a sunscreen with zinc oxide with SPF 20 or greater.
  • Medications: Take all medications as prescribed.  Follow all instructions which may accompany the medications such as: Taking with food, avoid alcohol and driving restrictions.
  • Follow up appointment: Your first visit will be scheduled to see Dr. Juta in the next 3-4 days.
Recovery period:
You may go back to work in 2-5 days depending on how you feel. 

Possible risk and complications:
The risks of breast implants and complications after breast augmentation include: unfavorable scarring, bleeding (hematoma), infection, poor healing of incisions, changes in nipple or breast sensation, may be temporary or permanent, capsular contracture, which is the formation of firm scar tissue around the implant, implant leakage or rupture, wrinkling of the skin over the implant, anesthesia risks, fluid accumulation, blood clots, pain, deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications, possibility of revisional surgery.

Anesthesia use:
General anesthesia

Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis.

For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +66830868173

All About Breast Surgery: Breast Lift Surgery

All About Breast Surgery: Breast Lift Surgery: "Breast Lift surgery also called Mastopexy, removes excess breast skin to raise, reshape and firm your breasts. The incision of br..."

Breast Lift Surgery Thailand

Breast Lift surgery also called Mastopexy, removes excess breast skin to raise, reshape and firm your breasts. The incision of breast lift is placed around the areola, vertically down from the areola to the breast crease and horizontally along the breast crease. The surgeon raises and reshapes the breasts. The excess skin will be cut and the nipple and areola are repositioned to a natural, more youthful height. Breast lift can be done in conjunction with breast implant to increase breast volume.

Duration of the operation:
The surgery takes about 2-3 hours to perform.

Post operative care:
The patient needs to avoid lifting over head for 3-4 weeks. The patient should not resume strenuous activities till about 1 month after the surgery. A brassiere can be normally worn, but do not use brassieres with metal support during the first month

Recovery period: 
After breast lift surgery, patients may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which typically lasts from two to three weeks. Pain medications may be prescribed during the first week of recovery. Patients are required to avoid sleeping on their stomachs for the first two weeks, and are advised to sponge bathe until the sutures are removed. 

During breast lift recovery, patients are required to wear a surgical bra for the first few days following surgery. This bra is then replaced with a support bandage or sports bra which is to be worn at all times for several weeks. The sutures are removed from the breasts after a week or two. Patients are normally able to return to work and light activities after about a week. However, during the first week, it is important to avoid bending over or performing any strenuous activities that put unnecessary pressure on the chest. Such activities can slow healing and lead to excess swelling and bleeding. Underwire bras should not be worn for the first month after surgery and instead a supportive bandage or bra should be worn at all times. There tends to be some numbness in the nipples and skin after breast lift surgery, which usually disappears in six weeks or so. Patients should not try lifting anything over their head for three to four weeks following surgery, and should avoid lifting anything heavy for four to six weeks.

Possible risk and complications:
The possible main risks are swelling, bruising, bleeding, infection, scarring and numbness, or change in sensation. Following the surgeon’s advice will reduce risks and complications.
Anesthesia use:
Breast lifted performed under general anesthesia.

Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis

Preparation before Surgery
Your surgeon will examine your breasts, taking measurements and perhaps photographs for your medical record. The size and shape of your breasts, the quality of your skin and the placement of the nipples and areolas will be carefully evaluated. Information about any medical conditions, drug allergies treatments you received, previous surgeries including breast biopsies and medications that you currently take. It is important for you to provide complete information.
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +66830868173

    Saturday, March 26, 2011

    When It Comes To Cosmetic Surgery, Why in Thailand?

    Thailand is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world today and foreigners seek cosmetic treatments for the following reasons:
    ·                   Low cost surgical treatments
    The treatment fees in Thailand are generally between 50-70% less than they used to be in the western countries. This low cost treatment allows tourist to shop for an affordable price and can find a qualified plastic surgeon of choice. Foreigners can leave for an exciting vacation, have the surgery, relax, recover and return home a completely renewed individual.
    ·                   Quality healthcare services
    Thailand has developed a world class series of hospitals and clinics that offers modern medical facilities with access to the latest technology and treatments as well as highly educated and world class trained surgeons. Many foreigners had cosmetic surgery in Thailand and experienced plastic surgeons who treated them with outstanding skills and innovative techniques.
    ·                   Highly developed infrastructure
    Thailand is famous of its magnificent beaches and nature's best scenes. The country has a rich culture with a superb cuisine. Tourist will enjoy many different attractions and a wide choice of accommodation from first class hotels to guest houses and also a safe and friendly place suitable for treatment and recovery.

    For more information you may contact the information below: 
    Mobile#: +66830868173
    Line app: osias05
    Whats app, viber: +66830868173